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Faculty Advisor



Our club is based around the collaborative participation ​in math competitions and other avenues of advanced mathematical exploration throughout the year.  Currently, we have over 50 members engaging in six different math competitions over the course of the year.  These competitions are:


  • The Philadelphia Independent School Math League - I founded this multi-week league in collaboration with AreteLabs to communicate and collaborate with our our friends at schools all over Philadelphia

  • American Mathematics Competition (AMC/AIME) - produced by the Mathematics Association of America, this is the one of the biggest competitions in the country

  • MathWorks Modeling Challenge - this is a 12 hour collaborative modeling analysis contest where students are given real world prompts to respond in an essay containing mathematical analysis.

  • Purple Comet Team Contest - this is a fun low stakes team contest featuring a set of very difficult questions.  We currently have the 2019 State Champion team.

  • Temple Math Owlympiad - this is a team competition hosted by the Department of Actuarial Sciences at Temple Business School.  One of our teams took third place in 2019.

  • American Scholastic Math Association Contest - this is a monthly mail in contest that we are competing in for the first time.

If we are not participating in a contest, we meet on Fridays to review interesting problems and take turns hosting workshops on various fascinating mathematical theorems.


Index Articles



Our Morocco Travel Club spent Fridays during club period prepping for our study trip to Morocco by discussing plans and preparations for the trip, learning about the culture and geography of the country and orienting ourselves with the UN Sustainability Goals which would be the focus of our trip.  Later in the Spring, our travel hosts Envoys provided a Canvas curriculum with a number of useful modules for the trip which the students proceeded to work through.  By the time our departure date arrived, everyone felt better informed and prepared for the learning challenges that lay ahead.

The trip turned out to be hugely successful with many students remarking it was a highlight of their Haverford student experience.  Click on the link below for photos of the trip.

Clubs: Courses

©2019 by Nathan Bridge. Proudly created with
Photography by Sarah Garling

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